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Our school is a place of faith and learning
Remembrance Day 2021
They shall grow not old
As we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them,
Nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them
Lest we forget
I light this candle for peace in our hearts. May the Holy Spirit help us to stop, think and act as Jesus taught us. We pray.
I light this candle so that we all may be instruments of peace within our own families: sharing, loving and forgiving.
I light this candle so that we will treat others as we want to be treated, with respect and consideration.
I light this candle so that we as Christians will be examples of peacemakers within our St. Thomas’ school community and the community of Sale.
I light this candle for Australia, our country, which is known world-wide as a peacekeeping nation. May we be guided by the Holy Spirit to continue our leadership role.
I light this candle so that everyone throughout the world may know peace and freedom as we do in Australia.
I light this candle so that the nations of the world who believe in freedom, democracy and peace, will continue to fight for our freedom.
I light this candle for those who are less fortunate than we are. May we continue to do our best to support them in their times of need.
I light this candle so that God will continue to bless us all with faith, so that we will spread his Word of peace, forgiveness and love. We pray.
Dear Parents and Families,
At 11am yesterday, we gathered to pray for all those who have fought in wars and who now serve to protect our country, Australia and other nations across the world. We are thankful to all those who sacrifice their lives in so many different ways to bring peace and hope to nations impacted by war or unrest. We especially remember our own school families, parents who serve in the RAAF and Armed forces. May God’s Holy Spirit comfort them and give them strength to go about their work, knowing they are appreciated and valued.
We are delighted to hear children are returning to community sport, such as cricket, netball, soccer and gymnastics. We wish all our students well as the new seasons begin.
Our new students will take part in transition days on Friday November 26th, 2021 and Friday December 3rd, 2021. The day will start at 9.15am with two sessions rostered for the day. Notes have been sent home to families and further details will follow.
Miss Pasfield will be finishing the year, a little earlier than initially planned. Her last day will be Friday November 19th 2021. We wish Monique and her husband Ryan the very best as they wait for the arrival of their first child.
Miss Christine Morris will teach Miss Pasfield’s Foundation class for the remainder of the school year, starting on Monday, November 22nd.
School photos will take place next Thursday, November 18th 2021.
Students are asked to wear their full summer uniform, including their school jumper.
Students who have Sport on this day are asked to bring their sneakers, so they may be worn during the sport lesson.
Today, you should receive the survey regarding the possibility of moving to the Sion site. A link to the survey has been provided to all families via email and can also be found on the school website and the PAM dashboard for families. The overseeing committee would appreciate your feedback on a number of matters. The survey will be open until Thursday, November 25th, 2021. All the information will be collated and referred to when considering possibilities moving forward. You will also be able to provide feedback regarding the repurposing of the Sion convent. This survey will go out to the wider community of Sale and will be available within the next week.
A reminder, that students in Years 3 to Year 6 are to wear masks indoors unless an exemption applies. Families are required to provide masks for their children.
Students in Foundation, Year 1 and 2 are encouraged to wear masks, however, they are not mandated for the junior year levels.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend. As much as we are grateful for the rain, we pray that everyone is safe in their home and on the roads with the downpour expected.
Take Care
Anita and staff.
Term Dates, Public Holidays and School Closure Dates
TERM 4 - Monday 4th October - Thursday 16th December 3.15pm Finish
Term 4 | |
Friday 17th December 2021 | Student Free Day |
TERM 1 - Wednesday 2nd February - Friday 8th April (Testing Days Monday 31st January & Tuesday 1st February)
TERM 2 - Tuesday 26th April - Friday 24th June
TERM 3 - Monday 11th July - Friday 16th September
TERM 4 - Monday 3rd October - Tuesday 20th December
Important Dates Regarding Buses
BUSES 2021
BUSES 2022
Buses will not run on the following days in 2022
Friday 28th and Monday 31st of January 2022
Friday 10th June 2022
Monday 11th July 2022
Friday 25th November 2022
Grade FCB |
William Anderson & Matilda Phillips |
Grade FMP |
Thea Stubbe, Hudson Whiteley & Jack Smith |
Grade 1JB |
Milla Anderson & Skylah Parkinson-Hall |
Grade 1MI | Charlotte Francis & Leo Armstrong |
Grade 2MB |
Archie Sanders & Parker Jagielka |
Grade 2MG |
Addiarna & William Bendall |
Grade 3AP |
Oliver Bateman & Jack McLay
Grade 4BG |
Larissa Kemp, Jordyn Manson & Lachie Mc Master |
Grade 5CG |
Cooper Jagielka |
Grade 5MC |
Charlie Slattery, Zac Bird & Jude Steele |
Grade 6PB |
Eddie Austin & Jordan Harrison
Grade 6 Social Justice Team
Can Drive and A Better Life For Foster Kids
A reminder that this term the Grade 6s will be running two Social Justice activities. We hope that our school community will get behind us and support these two initiatives.
St Vinnies Can Drive
We are asking for donations of canned food that we will give to St Vinnies for people in need. Each class has a basket in their classrooms for donated food items. This will be running until the last week of school.
A Better Life for Foster Kids
We are also collecting donated items for ‘A Better Life for Foster Kids’. This is a Gippsland-based charity that supports children and carers in the out-of-home-care system. Some items that could be donated may include clothing, toiletries, baby supplies, activity books, blankets and toys.
The Grade 6 students will also collect these items up until the end of term.
School Photos 18th November 2021
School Photos 2021 – St. Thomas’ Catholic Primary School
Annual school photos including sibling photos will be taken at St. Thomas’ Catholic Primary School by Arthur Reed Photos on Thursday November 18th, 2021.
There is no need to return any forms or money to school.
Unique image codes will be issued to all students on/after photo day so families can register online to view images when they become available in the webshop.
Registration is simple, just follow the 3 simple steps on your child’s personalised flyer once you receive it and remember to add the codes for all your children attending this school.
Even if you registered last year, it’s important that you do again this year using your child’s 2021 image code to link their images for the current year with your contact details.
When images are ready to view and in the webshop, all parents who have registered will be notified by SMS and email.
Once registered, please wait for notification that 2021 images are online to view before making your purchase.